September 14, 2014

Banana can you hear me? New Mo-Fi powered Hi-Fi headphones!

August 13, 2013

Teh proper CatStacking guide Because we all have too many unruly kittehs to manage.

April 20, 2012

"I have the feeling this man is gay." The Werzog has admiration for John Waters' guts.

December 07, 2010

Single Link Billy Joel You Tube Link All of Billy Joel's Greatest Hits. Simultaneously.

December 02, 2010

Sweet Victory Couple sues Google for trespassing to shoot photos for Google Street View. Google admits violating "Do No Evil" mantra. Couple wins massive payday one dollar.

November 21, 2010

Perfect porn is perfect! (NSFW) "But the message is clear: even after a genetic bounty, all-but-certain plastic surgery and dieting, good lighting, a pro-photographer, and dozens of shots, even the fantasy woman is not fantastic enough." Playboy's editorial team's comments to make their centerfolds just "perfect."

November 18, 2010

Vote Mamika Betty White and Cloris Leachman are heroes, but Sascha Goldberger made his maw maw into a superhero with surprising results.

August 20, 2010

Is My Husband GAY? Handy tips to tell if your husband is a homersekshual, like: does he go to Asia too often, or does he enjoy pop culture a little too much, or is he feigning interest in Church-going? He might just be that way! more inside

June 12, 2010

MonkeyFilter is now over. Please shut the door behind you. Chimp Rapes Frog. SLYT. Try not to cry too loudly.

June 05, 2010

Astroturfing is bad, mmkay? Walter Apai of and Web Design Depot admits to running paid reviews of his sites without labeling them as paid content and calls it ethical behavior. Do you want your opinion of a site to be bought? Or do you want to make up your own mind freely? (Disclosure: This links to my site, and I used to write for but quit 'cause I smelled a phony. But I would have done the same due diligence on any other phony...)

March 23, 2010

Plastic Bag But the COOLEST plastic bag ever, voiced by THE WERZOG!!! (SLYT, 18+ mins)

March 19, 2010

Draw yr own Monkey In fresh scalable vectors to adorn your website or other graphic creation. Or Just Because.

February 02, 2010

Selleck Waterfall Sandwich Don't miss the theme song either.

February 01, 2010

That bedroom scene was pointless... SLYT

November 25, 2009

100 x 100 Michael Wolf photographed 100 apartments in Hong Kong that are 100 sq. feet in size.

May 15, 2009

Unemployment got you down? If you already have a prescription for Viagra, and then lose your job, Pfizer will keep your head up high for a whole year, FREE!

February 24, 2009

Lawmaker proposes fixing California's budget crisis... by legalizing pot and taxing it. more inside

January 27, 2009

Smile for the Camera, Chimpy! The NYTimes asks some chief wire photo editors to choose the best photos of W's era. Really, the common ones are just as interesting as the divergent ones.

January 14, 2009

Ricardo Montalban has died. As well as being Capt. Kirk's nemesis, Khan Noonien Singh, in a classic Trek episode and the movie The Wrath of Khan, he was known for playing the tall guy who ordered Tattoo around on Fantasy Island. He will be swaddled in rich, Cordovan leather for his burial, provided by Chrysler.

January 02, 2009

The Secrets of Walrus Nookie Exactly how walruses reproduce is a big unknown to scientists, but at Six Flags they're eagerly trying to understand. They've even created an artificial vagina in an effort to arouse the mysterious 2,100 pound Jocko.
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